The 3 then 1 method

3 Then 1 Protocol

Another fun Sample WOD, this time the 3 then 1 protocol. This method is utilized for both relative strength (max strength) and functional hypertrophy (strength and muscle mass gain). This method is not for beginner trainees as it requires extreme focus and some varied lifting tempos and loading that may not be applicable for all.

The method is a combination of the wave method and the contrast method, which makes it a unique and extremely potent strength stimuli. The basic method is completed by performing a heavy set of 3 reps followed by a 120sec rest and then a second set of one single 8-10 second eccentric rep at an additional load, followed by a final rest of 120sec. This "wave" is completed 3-4 more times in a workout. This would look like;

- Set 01 Exercise 01 - 3x3 @ controlled tempo - rest 120sec

- Set 02 Exercise 01 - eccentric @ 10-20% more load - 3x1 @ 8010 - rest 120sec

The above example is the 3 then 1 method with a single exercise, but I prefer to program this with agonist and antagonist muscle groups (opposing muscle groups). Choosing two exercises without adjusting the rest will allow for greater load to be used and a much greater strength stimulus for both movement. This would look like;

- Set 01 Exercise 01 - 3x3 @ controlled tempo - rest 120sec

- Set 02 Exercise 02 - 3x3 @ controlled tempo - rest 120sec

- Set 03 Exercise 01 - eccentric @ 10-20% more load - 3x1 @ 8010 - rest 120sec

- Set 04 Exercise 01 - eccentric @ 10-20% more load - 3x1 @ 8010 - rest 120sec

A practical example of a lower body program would be as follows;

A1. Back squat 3x3 @ 3010 - rest 120 sec

A2. Glute ham raise 3x3 @ 4010 - rest 120sec

A3. Back squat 3x1 @ 8010 with 30-40% more load - rest 120 sec (use weight releasers)

A4. Glute ham raise 3x1 @ 8010 with 30-40% more load - rest 102sec

**watch video for practical example of this method.